Strategies to End Homelessness works to end homelessness in Greater Cincinnati
Strategies to End Homelessness leads the coordinated community effort to end homelessness in Greater Cincinnati.
Through the administration of funding to partner agencies, the analysis of system-wide data, the operation of programs, and the coordination of the local homeless services system, Strategies to End Homelessness prevents homelessness whenever possible, assists people out of homelessness, and offers solutions to homelessness through housing.
Strategies to End Homelessness collaborates with more than 30 local nonprofit agencies, all working together to end homelessness in Greater Cincinnati by providing services, housing, shelter, and prevention programs impacting the lives of approximately 11,000 people annually.
In addition, Strategies to End Homelessness also runs the Central Access Point Hotline to direct homeless people or those about to be homeless to these partners. Also, we monitor the success of the entire coordinated effort to end homelessness in Greater Cincinnati.
In December 2015 the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) gave us the very prestigious designation of Unified Funding Agency (UFA); only 1 of 14 in the U.S. This distinction highlights the strength of our entire community’s homeless services system and allows us to better meet the needs of individuals and families who are homeless.
Cincinnati/Hamilton County was one of the first Continuums of Care in the Country to coordinate all system data into one data management system, which Strategies to End Homelessness uses to make positive system changes and improvements.
How can you help?
Ending homelessness is a community effort. The most valuable thing you can do is to donate time or money to the cause.
Thank you for visiting our site to learn more about the work we do.
Kevin Finn
Strategies to End Homelessness