Directions to Strategies to End Homelessness

Victory Parkway Executive Building
2368 Victory Parkway, Suite 600
Cincinnati, OH 45206
From the south via 75/71 N (or from Downtown)
Head east on Columbia Parkway
Turn Left on Kemper Avenue
Take 1st Right onto Francis Lane
Turn slight right onto Victory Parkway
2368 is on the right
From the north via I-71 S
Head south on I-71
Take exit 3 toward William Howard Taft Road
Take immediate left onto Essex Place
Turn left on East McMillan
Turn right onto Victory Parkway
2368 is on the left
From the north via I-75 S
Head south on I-75
Take exit 7 OH-562 Norwood
Take exit 2 Reading Rd.
Turn right on Reading Rd.
Turn left on Victory Parkway
2368 is on the left
There is free parking in the Victory Parkway Executive Building parking lot.