2023 Cincinnati Homelessness Data
Please note: The data within represents the number of individuals and households served in 2023. In certain programs, demand for service exceeds the number of individuals or households able to be served.
To download 2023 data charts in PDF format, click here.
Cincinnati Data
The Cincinnati/Hamilton County Continuum of Care (OH-500) was one of the first in the country to establish a shared database used by all of our local homeless programs, called the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Strategies to End Homelessness is the lead agency for our local HMIS. This gives us immediate access to data to track program outcomes in real time and improve underperforming programs. All of our partner agencies’ data is stored into this local HMIS.
Local HMIS data is a powerful tool in identifying the most effective strategies to end homelessness. It’s used to monitor program outcomes, coordinate resources and funding for front-line homeless services agencies, connect people who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness with the right services, guide system changes, and track the impact of those changes over time.
The local data has taught us a lot about homelessness in our community. We have used it to guide system changes and track their impact. With each advance, we realize that there are more sophisticated ways to use the data, better methods, and a lot more to learn.
Attention media partners and community members:
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has charged Strategies to End Homelessness with overseeing our local HMIS. Read more about HUD’s HMIS Requirements. Data published regarding homelessness in Greater Cincinnati, not issued by Strategies to End Homelessness, may be inaccurate or out of date.