Take a stand against homelessness Cincinnati!
Here are simple ways to take a stand against homelessness. Compassionate people like you are changing the world. And collective social actions change public perception, inform and influence conversation. Here are simple ways to continue your advocacy. Hope is hard right now – but your support makes all the difference.
1. Take a stand and join us on Social
Your voice, echoed among your social networks, can have tremendous impact with your peers and colleagues. Small, collective social actions can change public perception, inform and influence dialogues, and change the law.
Let’s connect on social!
2. Add impact to your inbox
Your knowledge and passion will help to raise awareness. But we need your voice! Click here to join the movement. Then watch your inbox for updates on how together, we can end homelessness in Cincinnati.
3. Be our eyes and ears – download Street Reach
Street Reach is an app for Android or iOS that allows you to report people experiencing homelessness to our Central Access Point Helpline Intake Specialists. The report includes a general description of the person/persons and a location.We’ll send a trained Street Outreach Worker to that location to check on them, and help them start their journey back to stable housing. Learn more about Street Reach and download the free app today!
4. Take a stand and volunteer
While keeping all safety protocols, reaching out by volunteering your time to work directly with people experiencing homelessness is one of the best ways to learn about homelessness and help to meet immediate needs at the same time. Remember that service providers need help at all times of year—not just holidays—and will appreciate regular volunteers who can be counted on to show up. Check here for a list of volunteer opportunities with our agency partners.
5. Learn more
We are available to speak with companies, community and religious groups to help educate everyone on the causes of homelessness and how they can help. Contact us today!
6. Take a stand to help end homelessness, donate today
Hope is hard right now. But if you’re in a position to provide a gift of financial support, of any amount, please consider a donation, today.