Are you looking for homeless shelter near you? Call our CAP line at 513-381-SAFE

Are you looking for homeless shelters near you?

We’re here to help.

First, call our CAP Line at 513-381-SAFE (7233).

The Central Access Point (CAP) is a centralized intake system for families and individuals who are currently experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of becoming homeless. Begin your journey, from shelter, to hope and stability.

If you are currently homeless or experiencing a housing crisis, please call. Our Intake Specialists will gather information about your situation and help place you in a shelter or provide a referral to a partner agency for help.

To learn more about Hamilton County’s shelter system, please visit our Shelter and Outreach page.

CAP accepts calls

Monday through Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM


Please note that CAP is closed from 12 – 12:45pm on weekdays.