Strategies to End Homelessness is seeking applicants interested in being a partner in the Shelter Diversion Program, including receiving funding for a Full-Time Shelter Diversion Case Manager.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to submit a proposal in response to this request, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Be a nonprofit organization, State, local government, or instrumentality of State or local government
- Have experience administering federal and/or state funds, and be in good standing with current funders
- Have experience administering programs and services that assist people experiencing homelessness and/or housing crises
- Use the designated community Homeless Management Information System for all data tracking and reporting required under the Shelter Diversion program
- Provide adequate information for Strategies to End Homelessness to evaluate the risk posed by entering into a funding agreement, including but limited to, an audit of financial statements, a Single Audit if one is completed, and financial and administrative policies and procedures
- Projects must operate in accordance with 24 CFR 576, and all other applicable federal, state, local, and community requirements
- Not be debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in Federal programs or activities and must comply with the provisions in 2 CFR 180
The submission deadline for this RFP is March 20th 4:00pm
The deadline for questions about this RFP is March 13th at 4:00pm
This RFP is being published with a companion proposal template; all submissions should use the template format without changes to headings or sub-headings.
Applicants must submit a .doc and a .pdf version of the full proposal to by this submission deadline.