Date(s) - 11/13/2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

When a child depends on a caretaker for nurture and love, they should not be taking a risk. If hurt and betrayed in those relationships, making future connections as a teenager or adult require risking disappointment at minimum, if not shame, loss, and further trauma. Many people in the human service system have been hurt and betrayed many times, by parents, by other caretakers, by the system itself. To heal, a traumatized person must risk connecting with caring helpers who are different from those of their past. Yet, there are many reasons why people would not take that chance. Over time, however, through the experience of RICH relationships – those that demonstrate Respect, Information, Connection, and Hope, people can learn to put their trust in helpers and move beyond the wounds of the past. Risking Connection is unique in that, it is a philosophy for providing services rather than a treatment technique. It is aimed at organizational staff from all disciplines, roles, and levels of training. It creates a common language among staff. It asserts that relationships are the primary agent of change. It stresses that treating traumatized people also poses risks to helpers, the risk of vicarious trauma. Therefore, respect for and care of both consumer and helper are viewed as vital.

Series II:  November 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20.  Attendees are asked to register for all 6 dates.

Microsoft Teams link will be sent to those who registered.


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