
Tuesday, December 31st, 2024 | Press Releases

HOPWA Funding Available

In collaboration with the City of Cincinnati, Strategies to End Homelessness is requesting applications for projects to serve the needs of those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in the Greater Cincinnati area through Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds. Current agencies wishing to renew funds should complete the Renewal Application.  Newly applying agencies should complete [...]

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Sunday, December 15th, 2024 | Blog

Housing is Healthcare

How the Central Access Point Helpline connects callers to healthcare. Housing is healthcare. Experiencing homeless has profound and far-reaching impacts on a person's health. Especially for someone sleeping "unsheltered". That is, in a place not meant for human habitation. Is 4x as likely to die as someone sleeping indoors. Some impacts are obvious. Physical exposure to [...]

December 15th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Housing is Healthcare
Saturday, November 16th, 2024 | Blog

Homelessness and Foster Care

Youth who age out of foster care are at a much higher risk of experiencing homelessness. According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation more than 19,000 youth age out of foster care each year in the United States. Their findings go on, "one in five report expe­ri­enc­ing home­less­ness between ages 17 and 19, and over one in four (29%) [...]

November 16th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Homelessness and Foster Care